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Happy July! - Mid year update

Wednesday 3 July 2019
A wee life update from the first half of 2019 [Photo of old building in Wellington CBD]

Where did June go? Seriously, the amount of times I've posted a monthly update with a comment about how fast a month has gone feels like nothing compared to June.

At the beginning of the month, I sit down and draw out my monthly spreads in my bullet journal. In these, I sort out monthly mini goals, things I want to focus on, and blog posts I plan to post. June was the same as any other month this year, I planned out my goals and I organised the blog posts I would write and then it was gone. All these things I planned to do and didn't manage made me feel like I'd failed and wasted a month.

I sat down to write my June books wrap up post like I do every other month and found out I only read 3 books, which to be quite honest with you was more than I thought I had read. Do three books still equal a roundup post? Probably, keep your eyes out for it in the coming days.

So what were you doing?

In actual fact, what happened was things just changed. The time I spent previously writing blog posts and creating art for my lettering Instagram account got exchanged for other exciting things. Yes, I may not have posted every 1-2 days on Instagram but I did do an exciting freelance project where I got paid to do lettering - a much more exciting goal achieved there! I may have done a number of freelance design jobs in the past, heck my entire full-time job is being paid to design things but hand lettering is different. Hand lettering and illustration is mostly what I want to do in the future so it's super exciting to finally earn money doing that AND know that I got it because of my Instagram account so all that hard work posting consistently paid off.

Another thing that happened this month (well actually rather late in May) was I joined a gym. Yes, me, I joined a gym! So now a few times a week are spent working out and improving my fitness instead of doing the usual things. Which team, is totally fine! I'm enjoying it and I'm feeling better for it, who would've thought? Not younger Sophie that's for sure, someone should've convinced me to do this years ago.

And what about your 2019 goals?

Well...some are going smashingly and the others not so good. But it's only halfway through the year and I've only been focusing on half of my goals so that's fair right? I don't know if I'm going to finish them all because some of them are pretty big but with six months still to go there's still time. I definitely need to make more of an effort to set mini goals and actually aim to achieve them.

While June was a month of new things I think July will hopefully be about getting into a new routine that fits everything in. Fingers crossed!

How did your first half of the year go?

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