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Kinda Just Discovered Graphic Novels

Monday 7 March 2016

I always thought comics and graphic novels were kinda geeky and lame, I don't know why as I love the style and illustrations. Anyways I decided to actually try out some of the ones people have been talking about all over the internet and they are no way geeky. I had a read through quite a few different types of them and one of them wasn't for me, one was meh, but damn I enjoyed the other one!

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
This was the first one I started reading, and boy was it different to what I thought it was about. I've heard a lot of booktubers talking about this graphic novel, and loving it, and I just jumped right in on a whim. To be honest if I'd read the start of the Goodreads blurb I would've realised 'Nemeses! Dragons! Science! Symbolism!' I mean dragons I wasn't expecting that. I really liked it though, it's not really something I'd probably read if it was an actual book but I loved it in this form. The illustrations were lovely and the dialogue was just hilarious, I read it all in one sitting and just sat laughing at the computer. Also the font the dialogue was in was just so pretty, kinda sure it's her handwriting, but it's the little things I appreciate!

Lumberjanes (Vol 1, and 2) by Noelle Stevenson
After loving Nimona I just had to try out the other stories by Noelle, however I think my standards were a bit high after Nimona and this one wasn't as good. It's about these five girls who, while at summer camp, come across weird and kind of scary monsters and challenges. Imagine Indiana Jones plus Teen Wolf but with teen girls on camp. It was still enjoyable and I would read more volumes however I felt it was really hard to keep up, one minute they were doing one thing the next they were somewhere else. The ending did tie it all in together, so I'm wondering what else can happen in the following volumes. I'll read them at some point but they're not top of my list if you get what I mean.

Hercules 001 
I wanted to try a 'regular' graphic novel/comic as well as the modern ones above so grabbed Hercules as I wanted to read from the start and I could only find issue one of Hercules. Now I've found out you really don't have to read from the start unless you plan on reading them all I suppose. I happily read it but I don't think Hercules is the hero for me, maybe Iron Man is? I'll let you know!

If you're into graphic novels and you have some really amazing ones that you think I'd love/or just ones you love let me know I want to read more! Especially ones similar to Nimona.