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The Girl Online On Tour Wears Prada // Book Reviews

Friday 27 November 2015

So my plan on reading loads in the holidays has backfired, I've been stuck on one book for ages and it's just taking me so long to get through it, you know the ones. So instead I took a little break and picked some easy reads to relax my mind before picking up Mr Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore again.

The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
'When Andrea first sets foot in the plush Manhattan offices of Runway she knows nothing. She's never heard of the world's most fashionable magazine, or its feared and fawned-over editor, Miranda Priestly - her new boss. A year later she knows altogether too much.'
I love the movie and after finally getting around to reading the book, I didn't realise how different the book was to the movie until now. Although I couldn't imagine Andy as anyone but Anne Hathaway [and Emily Blunt as Emily, Meryl Streep as Miranda] it was really easy to flow into the story and accept the differences. While a few parts were a bit slow, repetitive and boring it was easy enough to read and although I wouldn't read it again I don't feel like I wasted my time reading it. The characters aren't really given a decent description or back story and many of the characters I felt didn't even need to be in there, I kept forgetting who certain people were and their roles as they were rarely mentioned. I don't think I say this often at all but just watch the movie, the book's not really worth it.

Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg
'Penny joins her rock-star boyfriend, Noah, on his European music tour. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour.'
The first Girl Online book was actually one of the first book reviews I wrote on here, look where we are now! I do realise this book is aimed at like 15 year olds and I am 21 but it only took me a few hours and I thought why not get some closure to the first one but wait there's a cliffhanger for a third one surprise surprise! While the storyline is alright, there were a lot of details skimmed over that could've been dealt with better, and the story did remind me of Isla and the Happily Ever After a lot but I guess a lot of young teen books are similar. [I do recommend Isla over Penny, she's a much better character]. Although I haven't read the first one again since it came out I felt the way it dealt with anxiety was so much better, I don't know if it was ever confirmed ghost written but I think this one was more Zoe. I felt the way the anxiety parts were incorporated felt like how a product placement in a vlog is sometimes badly done [you all know the ones]. It didn't feel like it was handled very well and coming from someone who actually suffers from anxiety I thought it could've been done better.

They were pretty average books but they were on my to read pile and, well, I had to get them read some day right?

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