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I'm as kool as a kangaroo

Sunday 25 January 2015
I held a koala!!! And stroked a kangaroo!! And it was amazing and I got to cross things off my bucket list!! Woop woop! While we were in Australia we couldn't not go see the native animals could we? Although the zoo was a few cities over we actually were staying near Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary which held all the animals we were interested in anyway. Due to construction in some areas of the park it was actually much cheaper to go visit so we took this as a sign that we should definitely visit, especially as the construction didn't actually put any of the animals off limits. We saw loads of native animals like dingos, wallabies and crocodiles, unfortunately the wombats were in hiding to the dismay of the women in the family. They actually had an albino dingo at the sanctuary who causes so much mischief he had to be separated from his family in another enclosure! (although that meant there wasn't much chance of photos of him) 

Did you know there was such thing as a tree kangaroo? I'm not sure if they're related but him and his proper kangaroo buddy are pretty similar looking if you think about it. The kangaroos were in a large enclosure that humans were able to go into and feed them. However they were all pretty chilled and too relaxed to go eating the little pellets. I fell in love with a little baby joey chilling with his mum in the shade of a tree, the amount of photos I took of him it was hard to choose one to include in here. There was also a very young joey who was chilling in his mums pouch and she was constantly flicking her feet at him to stop him wriggling! Now all I have to do is pet a meerkat and my animal goals are complete! 

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