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Norma-lly I don't carry something this expensive.

Saturday 29 November 2014
Hola I finally have a proper blog post, one I've been planning since I won this little baby! I'd completely forgotten entering a competition for this cute wallet and honestly at the time I wasn't even that fond of it I've just gotten into the student habit of entering everything that has free stuff. But checking my emails at 10pm one night on the way to a party and seeing I'd won a competition that I didn't even remember entering was a very big plus. Now having received the Norma wallet from Madame Fancy Pants I can tell I was harsh to judge it so early, in fact it's not as bright a pink as I was expecting and it's can store a huge amount of stuff for how big it is. There's a large compartment at the back that can fit an iPhone 5s or below, a large compartment for cash and cards with 4 slots for your handy cards, and a zipped coin section at the front. Frankly I can't get over having just an expensive wallet especially as I'm currently storing it in a um $14 backpack... no Ted Baker to be seen here ladies! Now if you do happen to be in Wellington strolling down Cuba Street make sure to step into this little store and have a look around, they have everything from bags, clothes, and jewellery to prints and other trinkets. My favourite necklace is actually from here so if you have some spending money, go hit this shop! 

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