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Plans for the rest of 2019

Thursday 29 August 2019

We're coming up to September so we're very nearly 2/3 through the year with only the last third to go. I started the year off well in terms of my goals and things I wanted to achieve and managed to stick to it. However recently I've slid a bit downhill. I want to write down some plans that I want to get done in the last third of the year to make myself accountable and make you guys make sure I keep at it!

Pass my restricted license test.

One of my main goals this year was to pass my restricted test. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs while learning to drive and the close I'm getting to the test the more I'm freaking out. I have booked it though, the date is in my calendar. I've got a few weeks to go and a few more official driving lessons to go so I should be perfectly fine but my brain just loves to freak out about things like this. I continue to tell myself that it's okay if I don't pass the first time, it's just going to mean some more paperwork and more money to resit which is fine.

Finish and set my portfolio live.

When I got my current job, I let my portfolio slide to the point where I actually removed it from the internet. In hindsight that was a bad move as now I have to rewrite all the copy for the pieces I'm keeping in my updated version but oh well. I was happy in my job and didn't see the need to have (and keep updating) my portfolio when I wasn't looking for a new job. But now I am... freelance jobs that is, I'm still happy in my full-time job and while I have plans to go fully freelance that is not in the plans right now. I'm partly there getting it all setup and it's just a time-consuming thing that I keep putting off. I will get there!

Launch a product.

I've talked so much about launching prints or doing stickers or even making a pin but I've never got my butt into gear enough to actually go through with it. Usually, it's because I continue to put myself down and think no one will bother buying the thing and if I did something like pins where I'd have to order in bulk I'd just end up with 100 pins taking up room in my already too small house. But this year one of my goals is to actually go through with it, maybe I won't go super complicated with a pin but I could work with stickers or prints... which would you prefer?

So let's see if I manage it - please keep reminding me on Twitter or Instagram to keep on track!

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