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#018 | TBR Towers: 10 books that have been on our TBR piles for too long

Saturday 25 May 2019
Episode 18 of Rants and Reviews is all about our To Be Read piles and those books that have been on them for years!

Welcome to episode 18 of Rants and Reviews! Today we’re talking all about our TBR pile, and those books that have been sitting on the pile for years, even though we really want to read them. Stay tuned to find out our top five!


Each episode of Rants and Reviews we’re going to be sharing what we’re currently reading, so you can discover our favourite genes, add some books to your TBR pile, and hear us rave and rage about characters, plot, setting and more.

Anjali is currently reading The Devil’s Thief by Lisa Maxwell, Fame by Andy Warhol, and Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe (web comic).

Sophie has just finished Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, and has picked up The Flat Share by Beth O’Leary, and Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney.


(06:10) While there are so many books on our TBR lists, Sophie has found that actually since her book buying ban that was enforced at the beginning of this year, she has way less physical books that are on her TBR list as she’s catching up on the books that she’s had for a while. The books Anjali has chosen today are mostly books that have been sitting on her shelf for years that she hasn’t quite gotten around to.

(08:10) Sophie kicks us off with the final instalment of a series that she’s been really into in the past year or so, but the size of the book is putting her off reading it.

(10:00) The first one Anjali’s list has been on her TBR list since about 2013 when she was working in a bookstore in England, and while she actually has all four books in the series, she hasn’t even started it yet.

(13:00) While it came out recently (near the end of 2018), Sophie has Markus Zusak’s Bridge of Clay on her list and she’s thinking about buying it with her book voucher which she has been sitting on for a while. Anjali mentions that she thinks that Zusak is in Auckland at the moment for the Auckland Writers Festival.

(14:20) We have a short intermission of talking about authors visiting New Zealand but not being able to attend because they have silly interview times (4pm on a Monday, anyway? Ah, I have a job!). Sad times.

(15:30) Anjali’s next book is Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth, who wrote the Divergent series. She’s slightly put off because it seems a lot more sci-fi and spacey than she’s used to reading, as she doesn’t enjoy that genre so much in book form (but TV and movies are a whole other jam).

(17:00) Classics are hard to read sometime, but Sophie has one on her TBR list. She also mentions that she’s nearly finished her Vow To Read list which we shared at the beginning of the year.

(19:35) A YA series that was published in 2014 is next up on Anjali’s list; she actually has three of the series but hasn’t quite made it to reading the first one. It’s also one of the series that she has different versions of each of the books, so they can’t sit next to each other on the shelf because none of them match.

(23:00) The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is next up on Sophie’s list. She only bought the book last year but she’s been wanting to read it for a while because she loved the movie.

(25:00) Sometimes continuing a series is hard, even if you loved the first book. Anjali hasn’t quite gotten around to reading the second in Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone series.

(26:50) Jumping on the Game of Thrones bandwagon at this appropriate time in history, Sophie still needs to read A Storm of Swords, which is the third book in the Song of Ice and Fire series.

(30:00) Anjali finishes her TBR book mentions by sharing a book that’s so colossal (1,006 pages!!!) she hasn’t the courage to pick it up yet.

(33:50) We’ve come to the end of our lists, but we also have a list of shoutouts which are just more books that we need to read because we’ve had them too long, or haven’t managed to read them yet.


What are some of the books that have been on your TBR pile for far too long? Let us know!

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Books mentioned in this episode:
The Devil’s Thief by Lisa Maxwell, Fame by Andy Warhol, Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe (webcomic), Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, The Flat Share by Beth O’Leary, Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney, The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan, The Noughts and Crosses Series by Malorie Blackman, Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak, Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth, Half Bad by Sally Green, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel by Deborah Moggach, Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor, A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin, The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke.

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