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Spring Lookbook ft. Cotton On

Saturday 7 November 2015

Whenever a new season is starting I always end up shopping the last season sales in all the shops and end up with loads of items I don't really need because they're cheap. I thought this season I would change that, while I have bought an item or two that are more wintery in the past week or so I feel like I'm still going to wear them through spring so it's acceptable. 

My mum's always telling me to cover up my shoulders over spring and summer and I never listen and get burnt rather than wear one of my many black cardigans. So instead of getting hot and sweaty or burnt this year I thought a light white kimono would do the job, I'm not sure if I'll end up getting a lacy print burn or not but I'll let you know. 

Ever since seeing someone wearing one of these floppy hats I've wanted one, but I've never been comfortable wearing one enough to buy one. This year I may do it! 

My current beach towel is a bath towel, so enough said I need a proper one. 

I'm in love with these heels, I'm just praying they're comfortable otherwise they may not make it out of my house. I don't have many summery shoes as I can't wear any shoes that have a toe post so that almost rules out 80% of summery shoes however these don't so let's see how they go. 

Giselle Cotton Shirt [$32]
Another way to cover my shoulders [see mum I'm listening] and it's something I think would be more acceptable as work wear than most of my current spring summer wardrobe so there's a plus!

Flirty Short [$27]
Okay so this one may not be that suitable for workwear - depending on where said work is - but how many floaty frilly summery shorts does one girl need? Answer: plenty.

The Classic Shortall [$43]
I wanted a pair last summer and I still want a pair, similar to the hat I just need to get comfortable wearing them enough to buy them and never stop wearing them. I don't know if I'm girly enough to make them seem girly rather than like a farmer is all...

So there's so many more things I want as well as these, but these are my top choices. Since writing this post I may have bought a few of these items and they're now being shipped to me yay! I'm really excited for the heels, although I had to get back as the blue colour was sold out in my size sigh, having tiny feet is sometimes great but most the time they're just sold out of my size. Anyway fingers crossed I get one of these jobs I've been applying to so I can wear my new more work friendly summer clothes!

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